First Blog

I hope I can always write this blog without motive. I have a hard time writing because i feel sometimes I write to make people feel or think a certain way about me. I hope this can just be for me a place to express thoughts and feelings and write them down to always be reminded of who I was, and what I was thinking here and now. I am in a place of transition. I quit my full time job to do ministry for a year. I'll be honest I do worry if it was the right decision, but who is to say what the right decision really is. Also who's to say that the things I worry about (money, future, comfort) are really worth worrying about. If I were to be honest ,in my heart I am not worried, I cant wait. Although there are parts of my flesh that continue to bring up those "what are you gonna do about-----------" questions, I am working to feel complete in who God made me and where he will take me. It feels right now like an adventure, and I hope it always does.


Anonymous said...

“We're not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be”

Lizzie said...

oh we are going to have an amazing life changing time. Love you!